Hi, Friends!
Welcome to the Avocado Toast Budget! If you’re new here, my name is Lexa!
I created this space to give millennials the resources and tools they need to save money, pay off debt, invest and FINALLY feel financially confident.
If you’re anything like me, you’ve found yourself the day after payday realizing that after paying the bills you have approximately $4 left to your name (which let’s be honest, that won’t even cover ONE Starbucks iced coffee).
And this happens every. single. paycheck.
It was like the world’s best (or worst) disappearing act.
I’m a firm believer that if I can learn how to budget, ANYONE can learn how to budget.
Stick with me and you’ll find yourself climbing out of debt, making a savings account (or two or three), and living your best life!
XO – Lexa
Wondering where to START?!
Check out my Financial Survival Guide
This personal finance 101 course is perfect for beginners. It’s the course I wish I had for myself 3 years ago when I was drowning in credit card debt, stuck in the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, and completely overwhelmed with my finances.

Check out my YouTube Channel!
I have hundreds of hours of videos on all things saving, investing, paying off debt, and budgeting!
No shame. No guilt.