PRE-SALE EVENT | GET $50 OFF The ATB's Financial Survival Guide

About Me

Welcome to The Avocado Toast Budget (ATB)!

Hi, Friends! I’m Lexa, and I run The Avocado Toast Budget. I’m SO stoked that you’re here.

After maxing out my credit card THREE separate times, drowning in student loans, and constantly trying to make ends meet before I got paid again, I knew there had to be a better way.

I was probably a lot like you, starting from ground ZERO.

School never taught me anything about personal finance, and honestly, I just didn’t see myself in the lives of most of the internet’s finance bloggers.

I’m 25, live in a small one-bedroom apartment with two cats, and cherish my $7 iced coffees.

I’m not an ultra-wealthy white dude yelling at you to give up avocado toast and iced coffee in order to buy a home.

I’m just a millennial who loves talking about budgeting, wants to make personal finance education accessible and relatable, and knows personally that access to high-quality personal finance education is life-changing!

Here are some things I believe:

  • Money is political
  • Debt is morally neutral
  • EVERYONE deserves to feel confident with money
  • Personal finance education is a right
  • There’s no room for shame in your budget

While you’re here, I want to:

  • Help you to STOP living in constant fear of money, bills, and other life expenses.
  • Teach you how to make your budget work for YOU.
  • Give you the freedom and tools to live life exactly how you want, no judgements here.  

You don’t have to spend life waiting for your next paycheck

I feel so honored that you’re here at The Avocado Toast Budget, and can’t wait to start on this journey with you! 


After 6 months in the making, my Financial Survival Guide course is finally available for pre-sale! 😱

We’ll walk through step-by-step how to get your finances in order, start budgeting, pay off debt, and invest so you can retire.



Business inquiries only: click here to email me at

If you want to learn more and join our amazing community of nearly 500,000 people feeling more confident with money, come join The ATB on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram @theavocadotoastbudget